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Mosquito Control is Everyone's Responsibility


"Controlling mosquitoes in known sources such as ditches, creeks, marshes and low areas is fairly easy for us to do because we are aware of these sources' existence," stated Marc Nadale, Field Supervisor for the Marin/Sonoma Mosquito and Vector Control District. "The greater issue is what's in residents' backyards. Unscreened rain harvesting systems, ponds, fountains, containers and other items that can hold water have the ability to cause a mosquito issue for an entire neighborhood."

Being proactive is the key to managing mosquito populations and decreasing the risk of mosquito-borne disease. Any item that can hold water for more than 72 hours has the ability to produce mosquitoes. Residents are being asked to help in the fight against mosquitoes by checking their properties and removing items holding water. If there are areas that cannot be dumped or drained, residents should call the district office and request a visit from a vector control technician to assess the situation.

Use this checklist to help minimize mosquito production around your home:

Containers: Store containers upside down, cover, or place in a sheltered area.

Rain barrels: Cover tightly with a fine mesh screen (1/16 of an inch).

Pools and spas: Maintain even when not in use. Remove standing water from the top of pool and spa covers.

Rain gutters: Keep clear of leaves and other debris.

Septic tanks: Screen vent pipes with a fine mesh screen (1/16 of an inch). Check for and repair cracks in tank lids.

Water under home: Use a sump pump to remove water.

Potted plant saucers: Don't overwater. Flush out saucers with a hose or drill holes in the bottom to allow for better drainage.

Click here for a comprehensive list of commonly found backyard mosquito production sites. To report stagnant water sources or request service, please call 707-285-2200. Residents can also request service online at

The Marin/Sonoma Mosquito and Vector Control District's programs and services are funded through property taxes and benefit assessments and are provided at no additional cost to all residents of Marin and Sonoma counties.

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