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Just when you thought you were safe from virus... here come the skeeters.

The Marin/Sonoma Mosquito and Vector Control District is reminding residents to pack mosquito repellent when preparing for outdoor activities this Memorial Day weekend. "The holiday weekend is a time when many residents spend time outdoors,ā€ stated Nizza Sequeira, Public Information Officer for the Marin/Sonoma Mosquito and Vector Control District. "Protection against mosquito bites and mosquito-borne diseases is imperative, especially at dusk and dawn. Personal protection measures include wearing long sleeves and long pants, and applying an effective insect repellent to exposed skin," said Sequeira

While West Nile virus is endemic to the area, District officials say it has not yet been detected in Marin and Sonoma counties this year. West Nile virus activity has been detected in other areas of California, though, so residents should be extra vigilant about protecting themselves from mosquito bites when traveling to other areas.

Repellents containing an active ingredient that has been registered with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency are the most effective when applied according to the instructions on the label.

The Marin/Sonoma Mosquito and Vector Control District, in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, recommends repellents that contain one of the following active iĀ­Ā­Ā­ngredients:

ā€“ DEET

ā€“ Picaridin

ā€“ Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus (OLE)

ā€“ IR3535

ā€“ Para-menthane-diol (PMD)

When there is a need for both sunscreen and insect repellent, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends using two separate products rather than a dual purpose one, as repellents do not need to be reapplied as often as sunscreen.

Other ways to protect yourself from mosquitoes around your home include:

ā€“ Be sure to properly screen and/or secure lids on rain barrels or water storage containers

ā€“ Do not over-water lawns

ā€“ Clean out bird baths and animal water bowls at least twice a week

ā€“ Keep swimming pools and hot tubs properly chlorinated

ā€“ Make sure that septic tank lids are properly sealed, and vent pipes screened

Report mosquito problems to the District at 707-285-2200 or online at

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