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AB-RA-CA-DAB-RA! incantation for summer fun

ā€œYouā€™ve got to believe we are magic, nothing can stand in our wayā€¦Donā€™t let your dreams ever stray ā€¦ Iā€™ll be guiding you ...ā€ - Singer Olivia Newton-John

ā€œYouā€™ve got to believe we are magic, nothing can stand in our wayā€¦Donā€™t let your dreams ever strayā€¦Iā€™ll be guiding youā€¦.ā€ Singer Olivia Newton-John

I invite you in reclaiming our magical birthrights, shooing away any pesky bad spirits or bad vibes. Our resilient spirits can shine so brightly, they scare away things that go bump in the night.

Medieval European ancestors used incantations and amulets to ward off evils. Even today, many of us chant mantras, wear special ornaments, carry a rabbitā€™s foot or rub Buddhaā€™s statuette belly while praying for good luck. I myself enjoy creating talismans, yet what if the magic we seek is already inside of us? Then using a special word becomes a way to remember how to feel naturally magical again.

ā€œAb-ra-a-ca-dab-raā€ can fill the bill. Like its cousins ā€œbibbity bobbity booā€ or ā€œopen sesame,ā€ believing in your magic self might call in a fairy godparent, poised to appear and help out. In ancient times, ā€œabracadabraā€ wasnā€™t spoken, but worn as a talisman around the neck to ward off dangers. It was written as an inverted pyramid, fully at the top, until only the ā€œaā€ remained on the bottom line, signifying the disappearance of bad stuff.

The best summer magic can be called up anytime, anywhere, like a meditation. When I breathe and let go into a ā€œnowā€ moment, I may find my world ā€“even if momentarily --awe-inspiring, lovely, lifting my spirits. This might be a ā€œmagicalā€ evening, a music concert, or a loved oneā€™s smile.

So let magic have its way with you. As the Steve Miller band crooned, ā€œAbra-abra- cadabra, I want to reach out and grab ya.ā€

Grab some fun. Thereā€™s magic in that.

Shine DeLight! Marcia

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