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Rohnert Park Ripples by Jud Snyder - April 2017

by Jud Snyder

President Donald Trump’s immigration policies will not have any effect on the students in the schools in Rohnert Park and Cotati.

The Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified School District (CRPUSD) Board of Trustees received legal guidance from the California School Boards Association. Immigration enforcement officers would need to follow these – and other –procedures:

• District personnel shall not allow any immigration enforcement officer or agent to enter a school site without first signing in with the school administration and making a request to enter campus, and shall forward any request by immigration enforcement agents to enter a school site (including for the services of lawful subpoenas, petitions, complaints, warrants, etc.) to the superintendent’s office for review.

• Whenever possible under the law, district personnel, when encountering immigration enforcement agents who are on school grounds on account of urgent circumstances, will direct them to the school office and alert an administrator to contact the superintendent’s office.

• District personnel will immediately send all requests by immigration enforcement agents for information or documents to Haley, who will consider all legally permissible actions that may be taken to respond to such requests to protect the privacy rights of students and their families.

• District personnel shall not enter into any agreement with ICE to enforce federal immigration law, and shall not participate in any ICE or Border Patrol enforcement actions.

A seventh-grader could save your life

Less than half the people who suffer cardiac arrest get needed help before professional help arrives, according to the American Heart Association. But that is changing.The Rohnert Park Department of Public Safety is providing four instructors in CPR to teach as many people – including school students – as possibe Hands-Only CPR training, including use of the automated external defibrillator (AED). To learn more, go

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