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Healdsburg Highlights by Barbara Barielle - July 2017

As I write this, we are experiencing a crazy heat wave throughout the County that has people scrambling for air conditioners and swamp coolers as well as cooling centers just to escape the heat.

As a Healdsburg resident, I highly recommend getting on to There are a couple groups in Healdsburg and, basically, NextDoor is a sharing platform where people can share news, concerns, coyote sightings, weird activity, neighborhood activities, needs for gardeners and pet care as well as items for sale. I have bought two TVs and a recliner thanks to NextDoor …and met new neighbors as well. I also got a consulting job and learned today that two excellent beat-the-heat locations are the Healdsburg Public Library and the Healdsburg Museum. Excellent ideas in addition to the cooling center set up at the Senior Center on Matheson in times of extreme heat.

Leah Gold is the new City Council Representative elected in a special election after the resignation of Eric Zeidrich. Leah campaigned hard and was seen everywhere, especially at the Parade throwing out gold Mardi Grad beads…genius. Congratulations to Leah and many thanks to the years of service by Gary Plass.

If you are a Mom and live in Healdsburg, reach out to be part of the 500 strong Healdsburg Moms Group. Their facebook page is protected but email Jessie Bushnell to find out how to be a part of this group that helps Moms with questions and support in times of need. Social is a big part of the Healdsburg Moms and 30+ meet every month for wine, dinner, a movie and just some kid-free time. Jessie can be reached at

Tourism is a hot topic in Healdsburg. A kind of “can’t live with them…can’t live without them” scenario. Tourism brings a lot to the community but can be very frustrating for the residents here. A new group called the Healdsburg Tourism Coalition has been actively holding forums and gathering residents input on the good, bad and wishes for the future. I agree that parking is impossible on the weekends but, at the same time, I don’t ever want to pay for parking. Had enough of that in LA!

Tourists bring money and jobs but it also brings many more people. If you are willing to work, you can find a job in any of the retail, restaurant, winery and service industries that are madly hiring.

Healdsburg has not backed off in trying to attract tourists here and is actively bringing travel journalists and social influencers to the area. One hope is to bolster shoulder and low seasons when we could use a few more restaurant and winery patrons.

This issue is a hot one but follow the Healdsburg Chamber of Commerce, the City Council and the Healdsburg Tourism Coalition to get all sides of the story. They all have Facebook pages and email sign ups.

The Healdsburg Tribune will be sending out twice weekly updates on local news so make sure to get your email to them. Go on the facebook page or website and get the local news when it happens!

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