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Wheel of Light Astrology by Rio Olesky - December 2019

Jupiter changes signs each year. This month Jupiter will leave Sagittarius and enter Capricorn. This is significant for several reasons. First, the energy of Jupiter is aligned with the nature of Sagittarius and is referred to as its “ruler”. When a planet is the sign it rules, its essential nature can be expressed in pure ways. Jupiter and Sagittarius are oriented toward the expansive, the joyful and the generous. They prioritize adventure and any activity through which learning and consciousness development can occur. The downside of this planet-sign combination is that there may tend to be excessive idealism, unrealistic expectations and over abundant benevolence. We may have been uplifted by the positivity of Jupiter in Sagittarius but we also need to guard against the impracticality.

The second reason that the Jupiter ingress into Capricorn is significant is that Jupiter tends to be particularly weak in Capricorn. That is, its inherent joy and enthusiasm can be limited by the naturally reserved practicality of Capricorn. Moreover, Jupiter may overly expand the Capricornian tendency to be responsible so that we feel more the need to produce and achieve rather than focus on ways of learning and expanding our awareness.

The third important point about this transit is that Capricorn is already overflowing with transiting energy from the North Node, Venus (which leaves Capricorn on the 19th), Saturn and Pluto. The new Moon will be eclipsed in Capricorn on the 26th. The world is about to experience a major tutorial in the nature of Capricorn and Jupiter entering Capricorn will expand the lessons that these transits offer at this time.

The alignment of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto is the most profound transit that will be operative throughout 2020. I will provide a detailed discussion of this transit and how it could affect human experience politically, economically and in terms of personal growth in my annual Perspectives talk which will be held on Tuesday, January 7, 2020 starting at 7 PM at the Luther Burbank Center in Santa Rosa. For now, however, let’s look at the possibilities and complications that could transpire as a result of this particular combination of energetic influences coming together.

In the mundane sense, Capricorn can represent large, often monolithic power structures. These could be governments, banks or international corporations. Saturn, Pluto and Capricorn all like dominance and control. It would seem as if the alignment of these planets would lead to the continued increase of right wing prominence, both politically and economically. One of the lower octave qualities of Capricorn is fear. When we are in fear we can either give our power away to those we want to protect us, or to try to usurp power from others as a way to prevent them from controlling us. Economically, greed can be a way of forestalling the fears of not having enough. Growth of the conservative and traditional would seemingly be highlighted. The presence of Jupiter, however, can alter that equation.

Jupiter and Saturn have a natural antipathy in their expression. Saturn tends toward the reserved; Jupiter to the adventurous. Saturn focuses on personal responsibility; we earn what we work for and accomplish. Jupiter is oriented to the expansive and the generous. Jupiter is more idealistic than Saturn. If we have a clearly defined value system, including morals and ethics, our mundane reality should strive to integrate those philosophical precepts into our institutions and personal behavior. Into an alignment of influences that tend to be hierarchical (Saturn and Capricorn) comes an energy that is far more progressive in its thinking and strategy (Jupiter).

On the personal level, this transiting conjunction provides us with a multitude of possibilities. The key word is responsibility. Saturn is the lord of karma, It teaches us that our reality today is a compilation of all the thoughts, words and actions from our past. Our future will be decided by our thoughts, feelings and actions of the present. Jupiter can help us to add a liberal and more open minded perspective. We can avoid the rigidity and authoritarian tendencies of Capricorn by being open to strategies that combine practicality with philanthropy. This energetic combination allows us to understand what our intentions are and to seek to manifest them by conforming to the inclinations of our higher self. This transit can reveal to us that the ends justify the means only if the means are in alignment with our understanding of right and wrong. Jupiter brings a spiritual quality to the Capricorn conjunction this year. It can teach us that if we only look out for ourselves, we may be alone when we need help the most. If, however, we act in accordance with what we understand to be the greatest good for the greatest number, we create endless allies.

This is a good time for some deep, introspective review. This could pertain to your relationship to yourself, to your primary partnership, to your financial focus or your relationship to the universe. Big stuff. Lots of help available, however. It could come from friends, group support, your partner or your boss. Support could also be based on the accomplishments you’ve made on your job.

Taurus: Focus on the philosophical/theological values that are basis of your life choices this month. Being conservative and thoughtful is the right strategy, but strive to avoid being rigid and dogmatic. Growth can come from following the higher mind values that you uphold and finding ways to integrate them into the practicalities of your life.

Gemini: The full Moon in Gemini on the 11th or 12th (depending on what your current time zone is) implies having new insights into your feelings and emotional state. Growth can come from finding ways of expressing what you feel. This will allow others to know what’s going on with you as well as a way for your emotional needs to be met.

Cancer: The new Moon in Capricorn on the 26th is an eclipse. This implies the possibility of profound intuitive insights entering your consciousness. This would be a good time for a spiritual retreat or at least an extra long holiday meditation in order to tune in and derive the greatest insights possible at this time. This could have special significance in activities involving significant one to one relationships.

Leo: This is a good time to focus on two areas. One is health, the other is career. In either situation, look at intention and technique. What can you do to ensure the strongest, longest period of quality physical reality? What do you have to do to in order to improve job performance and accomplish your goals?

Virgo: Incisive realizations and decisive action are available for you this month. Much of this can pertain to your hobbies, creative expression or relationship to children. Growth comes from being true to yourself without imposing your values or perspectives on others.

Libra: Early month is a good time to go within. This could mean in a spiritual sense, preparation intentions for the New Year. It could also mean focusing on family. Late month is time to open up. Look beyond those closest to you to see how you can provide positive impact toward friends and acquaintances. Providing hospitality during the season would be a good way to do so.

Scorpio: Physical energy and emotional intensity highlight this month for you. Physical outlets are highly significant. Without them you feel frustrated or lash out in ways that don’t necessarily apply in that situation. This is a good time to make grounded, productive changes in both your body and your social activities.

Sagittarius: You may notice your attitude change from joyful to practical. That could prevent idealistic and naïve tendencies from leading to bad decisions and provide the basis for practical, productive alternatives. Look at this shift as leading to grounded long range success rather than defining this time as limiting and depressing.

Capricorn: The New Year can be a time of profound self-discovery and lead to unprecedented personal growth and professional accomplishments. This is a good time to get centered so that you know who you are , where you are coming from, where you want to go and the best and most effective ways to get there.

Aquarius: A nice balance of points of attention could emerge for you this month. Some of the energy points to introspection, self-awareness and spiritual connection. Other influences are more oriented toward social interaction. Growth for you can come from integrating the higher awareness into healthy social patterns and relationships.

Pisces: Avoid tendencies to approach practical situations from idealistic or naïve perspectives by engaging in physical activities. Being in your body is a great first step to addressing your mundane requirements effectively. By extension, it will enable you to be realistic in relationships and professionally productive.

Rio Olesky has been a professional astrologer since 1976. He is the author of A Manual for the Modern Mystic, Astrology and Consciousness and The Astroreader. He offers both private readings as well as classes for both beginning and intermediate students. Call Rio at 707-887-1820. Check out his website:

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