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Water Awareness Video Contest for Sonoma County High School Students

By Kory Hebner

The Russian River Watershed Association is pleased to announce its fifteenth annual Water Awareness Video Contest for local high school students. The topic for this year’s contest is: “From the Street to the Creek, Be Part of the Pollution Solution!”.

We’re asking students to help educate the public by creating a public service announcement about stormwater pollution prevention.

Entries can be an individual or group effort and prize awards will be split between the individual(s) who submit the video and the high school they attend, with 50% going to the student(s) and 50% to the school. Entries are due by 5:00 pm on Tuesday, April 10th, 2018.

For contest details and to view past winning videos, please visit the contest homepage at:

Also, the Sonoma County Water Agency offers FREE water education classroom presentations and materials for high school students. Visit our website to access these free resources:

Kory Hebner is a Senior Programs Specialist - Water Education, RRWA Video Contest Coordinator at the Sonoma County Water Agency. 707-521-6204

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