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The Nature of the Global Consciousness is Flow

By Sky Nelson-Isaacs

The planet so desperately needs a greater awareness to awaken. In just the past ten years, I think it has arrived. I feel a new emergence of that idea we’ve heard about called the global human consciousness. I remember this past September as we struggled as a nationwide community over the nominee to the Supreme Court; it opened up very difficult emotional wounds around the treatment of women in our society, and I found this experience acutely painful.

But what dawned on me more recently is how acutely those conflicting emotions were held by so many people. It seemed like there was a qualitative shift, in which the collective emotional body of this country was reeling. The global emotional self was awake and struggling to find its bearings.

I see the issues around misogyny and gender equity, around racial equity, around polarization and unfair wealth distributions, and around the enormous issue of climate change, as symbolic expressions of the ways in which we are learning about our own souls. In my new book “Living in Flow: The Science of Synchronicity and How Your Choices Shape Your World” I describe how the symbolic nature of these experiences feels empowering to me. I develop a scientific approach which views the external world as a symbolic representation of the internal world. I find the outside events of life often reflect some inner emotional struggle I am having. From this place, I feel it is possible for us to make significant changes to the overall health of our society—and the global planet Earth consciousness—by doing the learning that is laid out in front of each of us.

My view of flow is that life is continually bringing us unusually meaningful circumstances—what psychologist Carl Jung called synchronicities—to reflect our choices back to us. By seeing the symbolic reflection of our choices embodied in our daily lives, we get repeated chances to gain self-awareness and learn from our experiences.

Ultimately, I find flow to be a great equalizer. It brings us into harmonious relationship with each other, even if it means passing through times of tremendous dischord. As has been said, “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” We are in a time of the awakening of a global consciousness, of which each of us is a crucial part. The planetary consciousness awakening now is just what we need to be able to think more coherently as a community, and the perfect storm of influences are bringing that awareness into existence as I write. By watching where life leads us, being willing to step outside of our comfort zone and see the world with fresh eyes each day, I believe the daily synchronicities of life can help us find our flow and be a part of the healing that so needs to happen right now, and is happening all around us.

Sky will be reading and discussing his new book Living in Flow: The Science of Synchronicity and How Your Choices Shape Your World, at Copperfields Books in Santa Rosa (2316 Montgomery Drive) on Tuesday May 14 at 7pm. The event is free. His book can be found at bookstores and

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