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Savory Sonoma by Stephanie Hiller - August 2019

The rich have something else in mind.

They’re after hyper-efficiency. Growth. Profits, of course. Speed. Their idea of survival is total control. Keeping the masses in line. Rising to the top of the pack.

It’s not just greed. It’s dominance. It’s not just capitalism. It’s victory. The US must rule the world, or somebody else will.

But we, staring into the grim face of climate change, have another view. Based on the evidence, the only path to survival is working together for global solutions. Combined with all the green technologies we have at our fingertips now, we need to reduce our need for energy, live simply, slow down. We hear terms like “de-growth,” and that scary word socialism. In the process we can create a more caring, less violent society “that works for all.”

They call us dreamers. We call them greedy. And never the twain shall meet, it appears. They have the power, the influence, the money. We have the 99 percent.

In the midst of this intense divisiveness and endless arguments, we now have 5G.

I learned a great deal about 5G this month.

First, I attended a workshop presented by Sonoma Neighbors for Safe Tech, in which attorney and activist Debra Tachover spoke at length about the health effects of all forms of electromagnetic radiation, and how 5G will increase them. The evidence she presented, thousands of studies by responsible organizations, was compelling; see for info.

As in all forms of radiation, and toxic pollution in general, EMFs have the heaviest toll on babes in the womb, young children and their mothers. We don’t have to give up our Internet. We just have to go back to wired. I did it on my computer. It’s called Ethernet, remember? Tachover is working on getting WIFI out of the schools.

Then July 11th I attended a study session at the Planning Commission about Verizon’s proposal to install three cell phone towers on W. Napa at Bank of America, Pharmaca and Sonoma Market. Seven more towers in residential areas are likely to follow. About fifty people stated their opposition.

It was shocking to learn that city governments have no power to reject this plan whatsoever, except if they reject the design of the towers. The applicant presented multiple photos of nice looking towers we could select. Considering that EMFs have been proven to change DNA, lower fertility, contribute to cancer, that continued exposure may lead to depression, insomnia, and memory loss to name a few, this limited option to reject the plan based on aesthetics was beyond ludicrous.

Before attending the meeting, I did a little research. I read a paper at a site called regarding energy. Turns out that WIFI, including cell phones, consumes large amounts of energy. Since the grid is fueled by fossil fuels, and 5G is a much more powerful and energy intensive network than the Gs we are using now, it will be a vast and as yet undetermined producer of carbon emissions. And we won’t be able to shut it off.

As 5G enables such forthcoming smart technologies as self-driving cars and the Internet of Things (smart houses, smart dryers, smart refrigerators, etc.) the industry argues that it will actually lower our emissions in the long run. But they are not counting the energy needed to run the grid, nor the energy cost of production, the new users going online every day. 5G will also allow installation of 20,000 satellites – and the 20,000 launches to put them in the sky and has military applications as well. This is yet another blind leap from the Make America First team. It’s a big lie with enormous consequences.

Also alarming is the power of towers to record your data as you walk by or shop and sell it to marketers of smart tech (and to the government through Amazon surveillance technologies?).

5G, in other words, is more consolidation of control by the white, rich, Republican One percent. And what will it get us? Faster video downloads and homes that require less and less physical work. Great. More hours working out to rebuild our lazy muscles.

What can we do? Speak up. If we make enough trouble, maybe Verizon will give up on Sonoma. The Commission will chose the design at its August meeting, date TBA.

Senator Diane Feinstein has authored a bill to restore the power of cities to accept or reject 5G. Bills typically take a couple of years to pass through Congress, but we would do well to support this effort. It’s SB 2012.

If we can’t stop it, I guess we can head for the hills.

I’m tempted. After all, if I don’t like it here, I can leave.


More information: Sonoma Neighbors for Safe Tech on Facebook:

what is 5G:

Global Indoor Health Network

Whatcom Watch Online: What is 5G and why should you care

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