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OPINION - A Most UnPresidential President

By Tricia Hoffman

Donald J. Trump, a man who has Unleashed havoc in this country since the Unbelievable election in 2016, has shown himself to be a most UnPresidential President. I say Unbelievable because the majority of Americans did NOT vote for him, but he won because the very Unpopular and Undemocratic Electoral College chose him to be the President of the U.S. (Deja Vous of Gore v Bush).

He has proven himself to be Unqualified, Unfit, Unhinged, Unstable, Untethered from reality, Untruthful, Unintelligent, has no Understanding about how our Government functions, is occasionally Unintelligible and Unclear in his Tweets and is Unthoughtful, Untrustworthy and Underhanded (you should excuse the expression) toward women and basically Unsuited to be the leader of the Free World.

I sincerely believe that his mental capacity is Unraveling. He is so Uninformed about international negotiations that he would even consider the Unthinkable...nuclear war with North Korea, which is Unnerving to the majority of Americans and others around the world.

Trump is creating Unrest and is Undermining all those who criticize or oppose him (including his own Party members as well as our legal system, the Democrats and the media). His Untoward behavior is the total antithesis of acting Presidential. His speeches enable and embolden the Nazis, White Supremacists, Alt-Right and Skinheads creating Unrest and violence throughout the country all the while Unleashing vile and hateful rants against immigrants and people of color and refuses them their Unalienable rights as American Citizens. Many of his attempted actions and diatribes are outright Unconstitutional.

He is constantly Undermining Obamacare and does not want to make it better because he has promised his constituents a “repeal and replace” plan rather than to “amend and improve” our health care system. Trump and his fellow Republicans are being both Unwise and Uncompromising in this regard, making progress Untenable.

However, we must not Underestimate this tyrant and Unruly man. He has Unemployed many people within his inner circle so that he could set himself up as an Unrighteous, Unaccountable Oligarch.

He has always been Unscrupulous in his business dealings by Undercutting costs, associates with Unsavory characters, and has been Unsuccessful and Unconscionable as a businessman. Trump has no qualms about doing the Unspeakable... denying climate change which will affect the entire planet and all life as we know it.

He manipulates the media by using diversions whenever he feels Uncomfortable about the coverage he is receiving on any particular issue. Each time he puts his foot in his mouth or tells lies, he seems to walk away Unscathed because he is a master manipulator, I’ll give him that, and we must never Underestimate him or the irreversible damage he could cause.

It is Undeniable that he should be Unseated as President... either through impeachment or resignation. We must be UNITED in our effort to not let him Undo all of the positive things we have achieved as a nation.

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