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Endangered coho being caught in the Russian River

Concerned anglers will want to know that endangered cohoare particularly vulnerable during periods of low flow during their spawning season. Anglers could easily catch one without intending to and, potentially, face penalties associated with harming them. Knowing how to identify coho salmon, steelhead, and Chinook is a critical skill for anyone fishing in the Russian River.

Avoid penalties and help restore the Russian River salmon fishery. Any time you catch a fish that looks like a salmon or steelhead:

- Land the fish as quickly as possible

- Have a rubber net ready for safe landing

- Immediately check for an adipose fin. It will be intact on coho, wild steelhead, and Chinook.

In order to avoid injuring or killing these protected fish:

- Keep the fish in the water at all times – even if taking photos

- Carefully remove your barbless hook and release the fish as quickly as possible


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