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AB 885 State Mandate on OWTS impacts Local Watershed Homes

On Tuesday, May 22nd, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors will receive Permit Sonoma's report on OWTS (Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems) response to the AB 885 mandate from the State.

Local realtors are objecting loudly, sending out sample letters with language they hope will influence supervisors on how they react to the state mandate as it impacts local watershed homes and communities. Their main concerns are the changes made to the OWTS Manual over the last several months since it was open to public review and comment. The comment period is now closed and Permit Sonoma is presenting their altered document.

Discussions about how to solve Russian River watershed resources have been ongoing for many years. Public meetings where local residents begged the state water board to wait to enforce new rules and to offer financing to repair or replace systems held off the regulations until now.

Homeowners along the river are either worried or upgrading now. Anyone who upgraded already doesn't have to face potential fines or condemned properties. People who cannot afford to upgrade, who were waiting to see if financing is available, and who have not been paying attention over the last decade, could face serious consequences.

As I drove west along River Road today I noticed the number of riverside properties with sale signs. It's common this time of year, but this year could be different. If current homeowners don't upgrade – or can’t afford to upgrade - properties will have to meet new regulations no matter what. In some cases, new homeowners may take that on as a known fix that needs to be done. But people who are unaware of the impacts of these new state regulations may purchase properties without realizing the consequences that will now belong to them along with the property.

Tuesday’s meeting will not be a done deal unless the board votes to adopt Permit Sonoma’s suggestions. It’s a very sensitive topic in the watershed. It still has a way to go before it’s a done deal. But every time this subject comes up, there are always people who react in fear for the impacts this has on them, their properties, their renters, low-income homeowners, etc.

But the bottom line is the impact AB 885 potentially has on water quality in the Russian River watershed. That’s what started this to being with.



LOOK for your home on the Map Tool:

READ Our County covering OWTS in the May Gazette:

READ Brenda Adelman’s article - Russian River Pathogen TMDL Community Input Meeting in Guerneville:

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