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Pegasus Theater presents Last of the Red Hot Tenants by Lois Pearlman

One-Woman Show, a Benefit for Pegasus, Kicks Off 2018 Season

What would you do if somebody offered you over half a million dollars to leave your rent-controlled apartment?

Last of the Red Hot Tenants tells the true story of Manhattan artist Jean Sherman’s unusual response to this dilemma. It also explains why a 3rd story apartment is embedded in an Upper East Side office building.

Written and performed by Lois Pearlman and directed by Diana Grogg, the play is based on Herman’s brave stand and on an earlier play, In Defense of Beauty, by Sebastopol writer and educator Michael Fels.

Last of the Red Hot Tenants is being presented byPegasus Theater Company on Feb. 23 and 24 at the Blue Door Gallery,16359 Main St. in Guerneville. Both shows start at 7 p.m., and admission is $10. Proceeds will benefit Pegasus Theater Company.

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